Sonja is a wonderful pet, great show dog and the best producer!! She is a very solid and strong female and has given me so many beautiful puppies. She is the mother of six Champions to date and several working titles. We have kept three of her daughters and one son. She received her ROM (Register of Merit) from the American Newfoundland Club on June 23rd 2007.
Sonja with puppies from her "Fairweather " Sam's litter. She has now retired from the whelping box, but still loves and protects her children that live at Crossfields. She knows when there are puppies in the whelping room and always sneaks down to have a look and smell. When we had the Sweet Sixteen, Sonja would lie next to the baskets and stayed with us the whole time we bottle fed the puppies, she was more attentive than Kenya was to her puppies.
Sonja having fun with her daughter TARA
Sonja and her son, Troy
Sonja as a New Champion. Sonja's OFA: Hips Good, Heart Normal (Cardiologist) Thyroid Normal, Cystinuria Normal DNA Profile # V278348 Sonja's Pedigree DOB July 29 2000