August 8th 1984 - May 6th 1996
Estrella was 9 years old when she immigrated with us from Africa to the USA. She lived with us for still another 2 years here in America. She was the first Kloofbear I bred and was out of my first Newfie, Lara.
She gave me two litters and always had a special love for any puppy. She was everyone's favorite Granny!
Lajla and Estrella at a dog show in South Africa
The three Newfies that came with me to America: Cuddles, Bella and Estrella
Estrella is our magnolia tree and has puzzled us many times. Whenever there are puppies on the way she will give us flowers. This is quite normal during the summer, but when her great granddaughter "Nana" gave birth to 10 puppies at the end of December we could not believe our eyes as "Estrella" flowered! We named one of these puppies "Kloofbear's Winter Magnolia."